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- (c) 1987 - 88 Lightning Logger LLog Program by Ron Shaw
- The Disk librarian for the Amiga
- To install LLog, & LLread copy them to your sys: diskette .
- LLog program generates an icon for your libraries that
- can be selected along with LLread to load a logger file from workbench.
- 1.
- load Lightning Log program (LLog) by either clicking on it's Icon
- from work bench or by typing LLog from CLI. Once the logger is
- loaded you should see a copyright notice in the message window
- at the top of the screen. This window is used to prompt you when
- to insert diskettes and gives you other pertinent information.
- You should also see 3 small black rectangles at the right side of
- the logger window.
- The 2 rectangles under the Drives Note (to the extreme right)
- display the percentage full of the drive currently logged, these
- should be blank.
- There will also be 1 black rectangle to the extreme right of the
- Librarian file, this displays the total size of the volume and
- data file. These also should be blank.
- At the bottom center of the logger there will be one more
- blank rectangle. This rectangle displays the number of volumes
- logged and also should be blank.
- 2.
- Click on the Drives gadget under the drives name (red square)
- this will bring up a list of mounted devices. (used for logging)
- 3.
- Select the drive you want to use as the log in drive
- (this will be the drive you will use to insert your disks for logging).
- If you have a hard drive don,t select the hard drive
- (we will cover this later).
- If you have more than two floppy drives or 2 floppies and a hard drive ,
- you may elect to use 2 floppy drives for logging.
- Click on the 2nd drives gadget. When these drives are selected
- a drives ready sign will appear in the rectangle left of the gadget
- clicked. Selecting abort from the devices requester removes the
- selected device from the drives item.
- 4.
- Once you have selected your logging drives,click on the load
- library gadget to load or create a new library. This brings up
- a string gadget. Enter the drive:path/name of the file you would
- like to name your file. The drive should not be the same as the
- drive(s) you selected to do the logging. (if the file is
- non-existent a message will appear asking you if this is a new
- file). If you are creating a new library click on yes. If this
- is an existing file click on no. (if the file is existing
- evidently you entered an incorrect file name and or path and the
- logger could not find the existing file.)
- 5.
- Once the log file is loaded or you enter the name of the file
- you wish to create is entered. You will be asked to enter the
- path to LLread (if creating a new file) ,enter the actual
- volume:path to LLread. LLog inserts this information
- in the default tool on the icon it builds for your librarian file.
- Once this is done The name you enter should appear in the
- rectangular window under the "Librarian" note,and if this is
- a new file the box to the right of the file will be blank.
- If this file has previously been created and is loaded by the
- logger, the size will be displayed in the rectangle to the
- right of name of the file.
- If this is an existing file the amount logged rectangle
- (center bottom of logger) will display the number of previously
- logged items.
- 6.
- Make sure the bottom left gadget of the logger says"MAN"
- this is the manual mode of the logger. Install disks in the
- drives indicated by the message center(at the top of the screen)
- and click on the manual log gadget.
- This will start the logger.
- That's it!! the message center will prompt you when to insert new
- diskettes for logging.
- follow the steps for manual logging except instead of clicking
- on the manual"MAN" gadget. select AutoLog from the menu. This
- should change the "MAN" gadget to "AUTO" ,There will be a message
- displayed in the message center.
- Click on the "AUTO" gadget THEN insert the disk(s) to be logged.
- The logger will automatically start logging and will prompt you
- when to change diskettes.
- AFTER STARTING the logger IN the AUTO MODE,you never have to click
- on the "AUTO" gadget again (normally).. the logger will detect the
- inserting of diskettes and will start logging again .
- To end the program simply select quit from the menu.
- The abort gadget is a simple way to stop the auto mode in case
- you want to insert a volume for display or reading with out being logged.
- After clicking on the abort gadget. It is necessary (when in auto) to
- click on the auto gadget again to re-initialize the auto mode.
- (before inserting diskette(s) for logging.
- Simply select log hard drive from menu and device requester will
- appear with each hard drive detected by the system.
- Click on the hard drive to be logged and it will automatically be
- logged( displaying free space in the message window)
- If your hard drive has been previously logged the old volume will
- be deleted and it will be relogged .
- If unsure if a disk has been previously logged just insert it
- into the logger and log.
- If this volume was previously logged and has changed the old volume
- will be deleted and the volume will be re-logged.
- NOTE: the logger can not differentiate between a master or a
- copy created by a professional backup program such as marauder.
- (The volume creation dates are the same on the copy and the original)
- Lightning logger Uses the creation date and the last file updated
- date to determine if a disk has been logged or updated(changed).
- Therefore volumes with the same names can be logged with no
- problem,and will be treated differently by the logger and
- reader.
- Lightning Logger allows the user to catalog a disk collection.
- It creates 2 files. The file with .llg extension is the
- librarian file. It maintains the list of volumes logged.
- The other file is the Data File and holds the names of the
- directories,file names ,comments,and other pertinent
- information. Once volumes have been logged with Lightning
- Logger, you can use Lightning Reader (LLread) to find files or
- comments without finding and reading the actual diskette.
- This, in itself, reduces your locating time to a minimum.
- Lighting logger works with micro-floppies,mini-floppies,RAD:,RAM:
- and hard drives disks.
- It is compatible with the Amiga 500,1000,2000.
- Sorry, but Lightning Logger only works under AmigaDOS 1.2 or Higher.
- Allows the user to delete a volume from the volumes entered into
- the logger. When scrolling through the volume list
- all volumes displayed in red are deleted. If you delete a volume
- by mistake this volume can be restored by selecting it again and
- clicking on "Delete" the restored volume will be restored and
- will be redisplayed in black.
- Note* the actual volume is not deleted until a new library is
- written(delete volume only sets a flag so the LLread program
- does not load this volume into memory).
- When exiting from the log program, if you have volumes deleted by
- the user or by the logger it'self,the program will ask you
- if you would like write a new library.
- Only at this time is the actual volume and it's associated files
- deleted. You may elect not to create a new library, thus keeping
- the old set of records available for restoring.
- Lightning Logger, llog,llread Copyright 1987 - 88 Ron Shaw
- RTS Electronics
- PO BOX 9015
- Cocoa,FL.32922
- 407/631-9286 407/639-9123
- Addesss Correspondence,Flames,Suggestions,etc to
- Ronald T.Shaw Plink t219
- or the above address.
- The best way to Use the logger if you only have 1 drive is to
- make a directory in ram:L and copy the disk-validator to ram:l
- then assign L: ram:l ( only if you get repeat messages to insert
- your workbench)
- Lightning logger can reduce the time needed to find most files
- you need to a minimum.. if you follow a few rules..
- If you have source code,gadgets,pictures etc. use filenote to
- enter a comment IE: for a picture file enter "pix","ham","art"
- etc. Then when searching,select note from filter menu,enter
- "pix",or what ever is applicable in your situation, and start
- the search. The search will find all the file notes with these
- names in the comment field.
- A future version will allow you to enter file notes(comments)
- directly from the logger program.
- This version of the Lightning logger is compatible with the Amiga
- A500, A1000,and A2000, but only runs under AMIGA DOS 1.2 or higher.
- To be notified of updates to the logger programs or programs that
- work in conjunction with the logger,
- Please send us a small note with the following information.
- Your Name, Address,
- Telephone Number {Please include Area code}
- Place and date of purchase.
- If you subscribe to an electronic telecommunications service,
- please note the Service name and your Id for quicker contact.
- All suggestions,flames etc are acknowledged and appreciated.
- There is no implied warranty with this program.
- Many Thanks for purchasing Logger.
- Lightning logger and associated programs were compiled with the
- Manx Aztec C Compiler 3.6 (16 bit code) on a 2.1 MB Amiga
- 1000 with Supra 20Meg Hard Drive.
- To facilitate ease of use, Lightning Logger is NOT copy
- protected.
- See LLRemov in another file for Automatically checking duplicate
- files.
- See LLog3_UPdate for new features in this 3.0 version of LLog